Dry Docking Survey
The main objectives of this particular survey is to ascertain the nature, cause and extent of the damage sustained to the vessel and verify if the repairs conducted are related to the subject incident. NOPICO surveyor is to carry out important responsibilities during survey as follows:
Coordinate with Owner’s superintendent and Shipyard superintendent prior to carrying an inspection.
Inspect the bottom hull damages on platings and appendages (bilge keels, propeller, rudder and skeg (if any) and used the vessel’s shell expansion plan to identify which strakes are affected and required to be cropped out and renewed as per scantling.

Also try to locate the propeller and shafting plan to clearly identify the material of both and its exact specifications, length & diameter or pitch and diameter of the propeller (fixed or controllable pitch).
Check if propeller or rudders are still economically repairable.
Check if the drydocking was an emergency or in compliance of Flagstate (Marina) drydocking period for vessels.
To check the Drydocking costs and repairs if it is fair and reasonable as to cost and related to the reported incident.
No field report is to be issued unless it is necessary.